Tuesday, 30 November 2010

AGI Awards - Digimap Highly Commended

EDINA has receive a Highly Commended mention at the annual Association for Geographic Information (AGI) Awards for Innovation and Best Practice. http://www.agi.org.uk/agi-awards/

EDINA was entered in the Innovation and Best Practice (Charitable Status) category based on the presentation given at GeoCommunity 2010 by Tim Riley. Tim presented a paper entitled Digimap: 10 Years Old and yet Brand New. The migration of an established service to new GIS infrastructure. This described how much of the infrastructure of Digimap had been updated to a mainly Open Source solution which significantly improved the quality of service offered by Digimap. You can download Tim’s paper here: http://assgeoinf.squarespace.com/storage/geocommunity/papers/TimRiley.pdf

and view his presentation here: http://prezi.com/vkvslwzxtkzr/digimap-10-years-old-and-yet-brand-new-migration-to-a-new-gis-platform/

The winner of this charitable status section went to MapAction for their work in response to the Haiti and Pakistan earthquakes.

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