Monday, 5 October 2009

Roam - new mapping tool available

Today, Monday 5 October, a new mapping tool is available to all registered users, through Digimap's Ordnance Survey Collection.

Roam, the new mapping facility, is available as a BETA service and will therefore be subject to various improvements over the next few months. Planned changes include:
- additional print formats as alternatives to PDF
- inclusion of scalebar on printed maps
- provision of scale and extent indication on screen maps
- adding a "My Maps" function for bookmarking maps

Roam offers "click and drag" functions to locate your map, 12 map views at different scales, printing in PDF at both A3 and A4 sizes, search by place name, postcode or grid reference, seamless scrolling through the fixed scale maps and 5 customisable map views. You can access Roam from the icon above Classic in Digimap's Ordnance Survey Collection home page.

We hope you will use the new facility and let us know what you think of it. There is a link within Roam for you to report any feedback you have (positive and negative). You can also email us on or telephone us on 0131 650 3302.

Roam will replace the current Classic facility in January 2010.

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