The following event may be of interest to Digimap users.
Following the success of the ESRI Technical Event held at the University of Leeds in 2008, Eduserv and ESRI have arranged a second meeting, to be held at the University of Birmingham on 15th September 2009. The meeting is intended to bring together people from universities and colleges who are either using ArcGIS (or other ESRI software) or providing and supporting ESRI software in their institutions. In addition to an overview of the new facilities in the latest version of ArcGIS, other topics include a visit to Birmingham University's 3-D Visualisation Suite, a discussion of how to make the most of the ArcGIS licence management system and an introduction to ArcGIS in virtualised or server environments. There is also plenty of time to meet and talk with colleagues from other institutions and staff from ESRI UK.
Lunch will be provided and there is no charge for the event. However, you do need to register your interest in attending. You can do this online at MyESRIUK here:
- Registration Page (go to CHEST Seminar on 15th September)
Date: Tuesday 15 September 2009
Time: 10:00am tea and coffee for a 10:30am start
Location: University of Birmingham (specific details and map will be provided upon registration)
10:00am - tea and coffee
10:30am - ESRI Introduction: Angela Baker (ESRI UK)
10:50am - Virtualisation vs. ArcGIS Server: Peter Halls (University of York) and Alison Rumble (ESRI UK)
11.20am - User Experience Talk
12.00pm - 2.00pm - Lunch with time for networking as well as guided
tours of the Virtualisation Suite at University of Birmingham
2.00pm - Interoperable Landmap and EDINA data and services: Kamie Kitmitto (Mimas)
2:30pm - new features of ArcGIS 9.3.1 and extensions - demonstration by Alison
Rumble (ESRI UK)
3:00pm - Break for tea and coffee
3:30pm - Licensing Issues: Anna Clough (University of Leeds) and Peter
Halls (University of York). Topics include: how to find out how many
users you really have and who those users are (flex logfile analysis);
non-dongled support; use outside of the British Isles; licence servers.
4:00pm - Question and Answer
4:30pm - Tea / Coffee to close.
For full details of the Chest Agreement for ESRI please visit
If you have any questions, please see the Eduserv website or contact Eduserv Help at
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