Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Firefox 4: compatability with Roam

Mozilla have just released their latest web browser: Firefox version 4.

EDINA is aware that while the majority of functionality within Digimap will work with Firefox 4, you may find that you need to restart the Roam mapping services, and sometimes their print facilities, to get them to work properly. The problem is due to the underlying software we use to make maps not yet being compatible with Firefox 4; usually after reloading everything works smoothly.

Please bear with us while we make the necessary updates to ensure that Digimap is fully compatible with Firefox 4. If you cannot get any aspect of the service working properly then please contact the help desk:

Thursday, 24 March 2011

VectorMap District - beta release

Ordnance Survey have recently release the next version (the beta version) of their VectorMap District product. This dataset is part of the OS OpenData package.

You can read more about the changes to VectorMap District on Ordnance Survey's blog.

EDINA will be updating the version of VectorMap District available through both Digimap's OS Collection and Digimap OpenStream. The current (alpha) version will be withdrawn completely.

There is some processing work to be done on VectorMap District before it can be available through EDINA's services. With this in mind, we aim to release the new version through Digimap's Data Download facility on Tuesday 5th April and through Digimap OpenStream by Thursday 31st March.

Facebook Poll - Which GIS?

We are running a poll on our Facebook page to see which GIS is the most widely used by Digimap users.

Go to this page to let us know which one you use the most: GIS Poll

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

OS MasterMap background maps

OS MasterMap data is now available to download in a rasterised (image) format from Digimap's Data Download facility. If you need an image of OS MasterMap data (for example, as a backdrop map) but don't need the complexity of the original vector data, this new stuff is for you.

OS MasterMap – detailed but complex

OS MasterMap is the most detailed product offered by Ordnance Survey. Maps made with with OS MasterMap have been available through Digimap's mapping facilities since 2007, but if you wanted to use OS MasterMap as background for a customised map by overlaying your own data in a GIS you needed to download and convert the raw GML data. If all you want is a detailed colour background image, this seems like a significant investment of time.

Rasterised OS MasterMap - images not data

Digimap now offers OS MasterMap as .tif images at two scales: 1:1000 and 1:2000 through the usual Data Download facility. This saves you having to download, convert and import the data using specialist GIS software.


Where do I get the OS MasterMap raster background maps?

Log in to Digimap's OS Collection, go to Data Download and select which scale of OS MasterMap image you want from the list of products. The images are tiled in 1km square tiles, so you can select your area of interest, and the tiles covering it, in the same way as other tiled datasets.

The scales are determined according to the distance on the ground represented by each pixel. The larger scale images are based on a measurement of 0.3125m per pixel. The smaller scale images are based on a measurement of 0.625m per pixel. These equate to approximate scales of 1:1000 and 1:2000 respectively, although these are dependent on the screen resolution of your monitor. You can easily display the maps at other scales, but some loss of image quality may occur if you do.

Monday, 14 March 2011

"How To" Videos on YouTube

We have created some "How To" video clips and put them on YouTube for everyone to view. They show how to carry out various tasks with Digimap's online maps and downloaded data.

You can see all the videos on the EDINA Digimap YouTube channel:

If there are any particular aspects of the service for which you would like us to make a video, you can add them to the discussion on our Facebook page or email us directly at

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Ordnance Survey request help on data usability

EDINA has been asked to post the following request for assistance from Ordnance Survey regarding the usability of particular datasets. Please follow the links below if you can help.

You may remember a similar survey being conducted in June 2010. This latest survey refers to different datasets.


My name is Michael Brown and I work for the Ordnance Survey research department. My work includes the development and application of methods to improve the usability of OS products. I am currently exploring the use of questionnaires to evaluate the usability of our products and guide their further development. If you have any experience of the following Ordnance Survey products please follow the links provided and complete the questionnaire. Each should only take a few minutes to complete, and I would appreciate it if you could complete as many as you can.

OS MasterMap® Integrated Transport Network Layer™

OS MasterMap® Topography Layer

OS OpenData™ Boundary-Line™

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time.

Dr. Michael Brown
Usability Specialist
Research, L1F2, Ordnance Survey
Adanac Drive, SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom, SO16 0AS