Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Digimap 10th Anniversary Celebration

EDINA is holding a celebratory event to mark the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Digimap service on the 20th January 2010. All Digimap site reps and support staff are invited to join us in Edinburgh to mark the occasion.

During the day, there will be a number of speakers and demonstrations to showcase the Digimap service past, present and future and in the evening there will be a drinks reception followed by dinner with guest speaker, Mike Parker (television presenter and author of 'Map Addict').

The daytime event will be free of charge with lunch and refreshments provided. Tickets for the evening event (including drinks reception) will be available for £24 (or £30 including wine).

Site reps and Support staff can find out more details and register for the event here:

Event Programme
