JISC Collections has an opportunity to add Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) data to the Digimap Collections. Before a final decision is made to pursue this agreement JISC Collections would like to guage interest in these mapping data from existing subscribers. JISC Collections would welcome feedback on whether or not your institution would participate in an agreement to supply OSNI data through Digimap Collections.
It has been proposed that the following data be included in the licensing arrangement. The suggested formats are also given for each dataset:
- OSNI Largescale Vector (ntf, dxf, dwg)
- OSNI 1:50,000 Vector (shapefile, mapinfo tab)
- OSNI RegionalMap (pgdb, shapefile)
- OSNI GlobalMap (pgdb, shapefile)
- OSNI Road Network (shapefile, mapinfo tab)
- OSNI Boundary Map (pgdb, shapefile)
- OSNI Pointer Product (format: csv) (Pointer includes Royal Mail Group PAF postcodes)
- OSNI Place Name Gazetteer Product- OSNI 1:10,000 Raster Product (format: tiff, ecw)
- OSNI Raster Activity Map Products (format: tiff, ecw)
- OSNI 1:50,000 Raster Product (format: tiff, ecw)
- OSNI 1:250,000 Raster Product (format: tiff)
- OSNI Parliamentary Constituency Raster Map Products (format: jpeg)
- OSNI Raster Street Map Products (format: tiff, ecw)
- OSNI Historical Archive Product (format: ecw)
- OSNI DTM 50m, standard, enhanced Products (format: txt, dbf, dgn)
- OSNI Orthophotography Product (format: ecw)
The suggested prices for an institutional subscription to this agreement vary according to JISC's institutional banding, and are as follows:
Higher Education
- Bands A-B - £750 per annum
- Bands C-D - £600 per annum
- Bands E-F - £400 per annum
- Bands G-J - £100 per annum
- All bands - £75 per institution
If you would find it useful to have access to Northern Ireland data, please contact your Digimap site representative to express an interest in a subscription. If you don't know who your site representative is, please check the list on our website: http://edina.ac.uk/digimap/list.shtml
If you are a Digimap Site Representative, please gather feedback you receive from Digimap users at your institution and contact Liam Earney (L.Earney@jisc.ac.uk) if you would like to express an interest in a subscription for your institution.