Friday, 28 November 2008

Usage Figures for Site Representatives

Site Representatives for Digimap's Ordnance Survey Collection may have noticed that the usage statistics for October 2008 are not yet available via the Site Representative's Support Area.

We are in the process of re-engineering the way we calculate and present usage statistics. Since this process is not yet complete, figures for October 2008 onwards are not yet available. The facility for extracting usage statistics remains available so that site representatives can continue to download figures for previous months.

We hope to have complete usage statistics available in time for the new year. We intend this to include data for all the Digimap Collections. Currently, data is available only for the Ordnance Survey Collection. Please note that information available for some Collections will be more limited than for others, particularly Historic Digimap.

Progress updates will be posted here when available.

If you are registered with EDINA as a Digimap Site Representative, you will have access to a specific section of Digimap's Ordnance Survey Collection called the Site Representative's Support Area. This will provide you with your institution's usage data for Digimap. It is only available to site representatives.